Monday, 10 May 2010

My Flower Of Hope

You are my cyclamen
My oasis in the desert
Blushing with life
Breathing, pulsating
Yet still and auspicious
Trapped as a moment in time
I’m reassured
By your whispy pink blossom
My thoughts turn to a painting
To a moment in time
I think of you
And I smile

1 comment:

  1. I wrote this about a friend of mine in July 2009. She was on the same ward and she is special because she has a great talent for painting and playing the guitar and writing songs. Everyone is special. Her boy friend bought her a cyclamen and I put the plant on a table and then wrote lines comparing the plants beauty to her beauty and vivacity. Lines 3 and 4 say that even people with mental health problems are alive and the painting in the poem refers to one she made of the actual plant.
