Monday, 10 May 2010

Throw Me Out

Throw me out
Ignore me
Leave me
In a corner
Pen me
Imprison me

Like a rat in a cage
With other rats

Take my dignity
Take away my soul
My heart
My hope
My dreams
Take my freedom too

Thank Allah
That freedom is in my mind
It always will be
Ingrained in tablets of stone

You deport my friends and I
You fly us out
To pain, death and fear
At eight million a year
What a waste

But you don’t care
You like it
You put a ring on it

I’m not a rat
I’m a human being
Even rats show compassion
For their own

Are you fit enough
To be called a rat?

1 comment:

  1. I wrote this in July 2009. I read a newspaper story about discrinination against asylumn seekers and was amazed at the amount of money spent (8 million) on deporting people less fortunate than ourselves. Surely it would be more humane to spend this money on helping people rather than further punishing an already traumatised group of people. I like the reference I maed to rats throughout the poem. There still seems to be an underlying current of racism in society.
