Saturday, 24 April 2010

I’m Alive Again

The Black Dog
Consumed me
In Argyll & Bute

I came
I saw
I conquered

68, a computer
A fiendishly devilish thing
I learnt
I typed
Epic poems

Letting out my soul
My anger
My repression
My depression
My feelings

Self worth returned

I came
I saw
I conquered

Once more
People are listening to me
I’m alive again!

Alan Campbell, 17/6/09

1 comment:

  1. I write this with a friend of mine, Alan Campbell. We were on on acute ward and I tried to improve his mental health by getting him to write poetry and use a computer which at 68 he'd never done before. He gained great fulfillment in being able to express his feelings. The poem is a good way dealing with depression in life. Do something to get your self confidence back. Black Dog refers to Winston Churchill and I came I saw I conquered to the Romans.
