Saturday, 24 April 2010

Summer Time Blues

Whenever I’m sad
Whenever I’m blue
Whenever my troubles are heavy
At The Tyne Centre music session
I play the accordion
Just like Freddie

Troubles may come
Troubles may go
You’ll always find me ready
Upon the wooded hill
Cutting up trees still
Just like Freddie

Whenever I frown
Whenever I’m down
Whenever my feet are weary
I’ll dream of the Sun
Of pharaohs and Egyptian fun
Just like Freddie

Managers may come
Managers may go
Whenever their attitude is sleazy
Residents empty the wards
On guided woodland walks
Just for Freddie

Come on everybody
Strim the grass
Weed the pass
Build a tool shed
Plant a flower bed
Load a wheel barrow
On the straight and narrow
Lay down the gravel
Let your worries unravel
For both yourselves and for Freddie

Whenever I’m sad
Whenever I’m blue
Whenever my troubles are heavy
I smile to myself
Over my improving mental health
And thank God for Freddie

1 comment:

  1. This is based on a song called Just like Edddie and The title is called Summertime Blues. The poem is a homage to someone who greatly helps people suffering with mental health problems by encouraging them to get involved in the countryside and forests and encorages them to play musical instruments. I chose the title because it conveys the idea of "nature" a little. The name is not the same as the real person's. The poem refers to Egpyt because Freddie had just been on a holiday there to see the pyramids.
