Saturday, 24 April 2010

Planet Zog

I come from planet Zog
I want to walk down the pub

Go to a restaurant
Without people staring at me
Walk down the street
Without glancing over my shoulder

I come from planet Zog
I want to put 10k on a gee gee
I want to break free
I want to be me

I come from planet Zog
I want to be able to say
What I want
How I want
What I want

I want to be free
I want to be me
So don’t lock me away
In a mental institution

I may have problems
But it’s not the only answer
I do have problems
But it’s not the best answer

I don’t come from planet Zog
I come from planet Earth

I don’t demand much in life
But please let me be treated as normal
Just like you!!!

1 comment:

  1. This could apply to any of us. People can view any one of us strange even if we are normal. We can also get paranoid about what other people think of us especially if we are having a hard time in life
