Saturday, 24 April 2010

Ironing Out The Rough Spots

Ironing is like life
Background music helps
As long as you like the music

Ironing is like life
A little bit of practice
Gives improvement and enjoyment

Ironing is like life
Smile when doing it
You’ll enjoy it more

Ironing is like life
If you don’t try it
You don’t know whether you can do it

Like putting creases in dress trousers
Take them to the dry cleaners

Ironing is like life
With patience and perseverance
You can do it

Ironing is like life
Some things are impossible to do
So you get help

Ironing is like life
Set a routine same time every day every week
It gets easier

Ironing is like life
Do it for your children
You won’t be embarrassed and neither will they

Ironing is like life
Children have to do it themselves eventually
When they get older they need to learn to iron

Ironing is like life
If you do it for too many people
They’ll take advantage of you

1 comment:

  1. The title was obtained from the Paul Young song of the same name. I wrote it during a period of low mood but reading it again I don't actually think it's about low mood. Why did I write about ironing? Well I didn't do anything for months and couldn't be bothered with ironing. Once I started to feel better I actually don't mind it, especially when listen to music. Hence the first stanza. Songs by Elvis actually gor me through one depressive phase in the past.
